Moonstone Stone Pyramid: Reiki Healing Divine Spiritual Crystal (11928)

Moonstone is a sodium potassium aluminium silicate ((Na,K)AlSi3O8) of the feldspar group that displays a pearly and opalescent schiller.[1][2] An alternative name is hecatolite. For believers of its healing power, it's ideally used for Sacral Chakra. Care Instructions Detergents and lotions can damage the finishing and colour of the stones / crystals. * Clean with soft 100% cotton. Disclaimer: The information provided is intended as a reference of the metaphysical and healing energies of the crystals. Their healing powers are not established and cannot be guaranteed. Crystals should never be used as a substitute for conventional medical or psychological treatment.

Natural healing stone moonstone pyramid
Dimensions: 1*1*1 inches approximately
Material: Natural gemstone
100% authentic stone (natural stones often have small holes, crack marks on the surface or inside the stone)
Not to be used as substitute for established medical treatments. Image for reference - minor variation to be expected in case of natural stones