This raksha bandhan, send your rakhi in style to your bhaiya & bhabhi. Packed along with a marble Ganapathi, carrier of good luck and blessings, it will always remind your brother and sister in law of you. Comes with a set of 2 designer rakhis (1 for brother, 1 for bhabhi) and auspicious roli chawal. Chowki size 4x4x4 inch
This raksha bandhan, send your rakhi in style to your bhaiya & bhabhi. Packed along with a marble Ganapathi, carrier of good luck and blessings, it will always remind your brother and sister in law of you. Comes with a set of 2 designer rakhis (1 for brother, 1 for bhabhi) and auspicious roli chawal. Chowki size 4x4x4 inch
Rakshabandhan set for bhaiya-bhabhi: One Rakhi bracelet for brother, one Lumba (Latkan rakhi) for sister-in-law, designer Chowki Ganesha made of pristine marble & studded with glittering stones |
Chowki size: 4 * 4 * 4 inches; statue size 2 inches |
Auspicious roli chawal tika included |
Perfect Rakhi hamper for brother and bhabhi |
Memorable Rakshabandhan set with Ganesha, harbinger of fortune and propserity |
Rakshabandhan set for bhaiya-bhabhi: One Rakhi bracelet for brother, one Lumba (Latkan rakhi) for sister-in-law, designer Chowki Ganesha made of pristine marble & studded with glittering stones |
Chowki size: 4 * 4 * 4 inches; statue size 2 inches |
Auspicious roli chawal tika included |
Perfect Rakhi hamper for brother and bhabhi |
Memorable Rakshabandhan set with Ganesha, harbinger of fortune and propserity |
+919958881193 [email protected]